Father Paul Wickens' faithful followers knew him to be a saintly priest. He received the Sacraments frequently during his final hospital stay, and we are quite confident as to his state of grace.

We firmly believe that Father Wickens will help preserve the One True Faith even more now than when he was on earth. As such, we wish to accurately record any incidences of miracles attributed to Father's intercession. One day, when the True Church has been restored, these records will be invaluable.

Please fill out the form below with the details of miracles that you believe are a result of Father Wickens' intercession.

Your comments and personal information will NOT appear on this web site. Instead, they will be archived by St. Anthony of Padua Mission for the future. Thank you!

Please describe the miracle(s) attributed to the intercession of Father Paul Wickens: (limit 2500 characters)

IMPORTANT! Please tell us how to get in touch with you:

Zip / Post Code
Please contact me as soon as possible regarding this matter.

Revised: June 15, 2005.


DISCLAIMER: This website is not affiliated with the current (2005) management of St. Anthony's in West Orange, New Jersey, and does not reflect the opinion or position of the administrators of that property.

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